Will Armistead
16 Seasons (121-75)
12 Playoff Appearances (1)
3 Championships (T-1)
11 Total Medals (1)
Most Wins: 121
Highest Winning Percentage: .617 (T-1)
Highest All-Play Win Percentage: .577
Most Seasons With Winning Record: 12 (T-1)
Best Win % Against Single Opponent: .813 (JJ Bailey) (T-1)
Most Points: 22,845
Most High Scores: 30
Most Top-3 Scores: 71
Most High Scores In a Season: 5 (two times)
Most Playoff Wins: 20
Most Playoff Points: 3,854.7
Longest Championship Game Streak: 4
Longest Top-3 Finish Streak: 4
Fastest to 100 Wins: 160 Weeks
Fastest To 10 Wins: 13 Weeks
Fastest to 1,000 All-Play Wins: 159 Weeks
Fastest to 100 All-Play Wins: 15 Weeks
Fastest to 20,000 Points: 174 Weeks